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August Amateur Gardener Tips


Pruning of Citrusclick for larger image
Pruning of Citrusclick for larger image

Citrus plants will by now have produced fruit.    The weight of the fruit often causes branches to bend downwards and the plants can look untidy.    Shape up any untidy new growth and keep on with the feeding programme.

Click here to view full citrus care notes


Escallonia Black spot



If you did not believe there was a genuinely red delphinium have a look at this!    Delphinium ‘Red Caroline’ is a sensation which you too could try.

Delphinium ‘Red Caroline’click for larger image
Delphinium ‘Red Caroline’ 1click for larger image




Eucryphia x nymanensis ‘Nymansay’click for larger image

There are relatively few trees or large shrubs which flower in the height of summer.    Even fewer are evergreen.    If you want something really different for your garden Eucryphias are for you.    The most popular one with the biggest white flower is Eucryphia x nymanensis ‘Nymansay’.

Read full details on caring for Eucryphias.



Climbing Roses will be finishing flowering now.    Cut out the old flower heads and prune out weaker shoots.    Tie in and train on the most vigorous new shoots which will produce next year’s flowers.


Take cuttings now from plants which may not survive a colder winter so that they will grow on in the greenhouse and be ready for planting out again next Spring.    A simple cost saving.    Osteospermum and Argyranthemum are obvious choices.


