Now is the time to take cuttings from deciduous shrubs in the conservatory. The ideal cutting is one which is not too soft and floppy and not too rigid and hard when bent by hand. New growth will remain more soft and tender in the wet periods and firm up quickly in prolonged hot conditions.
If you go away on holiday and there is no one to water your plants in your absence you can take precautions.
Stand all your larger pots in trays or bowls which can be filled with water before your departure.
The plants can then water themselves for a while.
Fuschia procumbens makes excellent groundcover in conservatory beds and now starts to produce upright edible purple fruits. Fuchsia perscandens is one of the few climbing fuchsias. Both make excellent floral contributions and will surprise your neighbours with their unusual flowers.
Gardenias continue to produce a regular succession of flowers. They should not be allowed to dry out but equally hate being too wet. Feed with an ericaceous feed and cut off all flowers when they finish to encourage new growth.
Punica granatum ‘Flore Plena’ (Pomegranite) is probably the best grown in a container for the conservatory or greenhouse. It does like full sun and hates to dry out – keep it just most with an occasional feed.