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Burncoose Nurseries - part of the Caerhays Estate
Nursery & Gardens open: Mon - Sat 9.00 - 16.30 & Sun 10:00 - 16:00
Pop up café: Cafe Now Closed for Winter


We have selected those hortensia and other hydrangea varieties which grow best and most easily in the Burncoose garden.  These offer the very best in summer displays in a range of colours, throughout July to October, and are normally sold as 2 year old plants
  • Colour-changing mopheads and lacecaps in shades of pink, white and blue from early summer to late autumn and delicate skeletons of flower through the winter.
  • Cones of white from paniculata and bronze and purple foliage from quercifolia.
  • Genus of 80 or more species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs and climbers. They originate from woodland in eastern Asia and North and South America.
  • The larger, showier flowers on flat, domed or conical flower heads are sterile, the smaller, fertile flowers are usually found in the centre. The climbers are suitable for a shady wall or fence and mature specimens provide shelter for insects.
  • Paniculata species attract insects as they have fertile flowers amongst the sterile ones.

Click here for our full list of Hydrangeas.

Mophead - blue or pink lilac-like flowers
2 to 3 Litre
Lacecap - ('Mariesii Perfecta')
2 to 3 Litre
Hydrangea 'Annabelle' & Cercis 'Forest Pansy'
HYDRANGEA 'Geoffrey Chadbund'
Lacecap - red or purple
2 to 3 Litre
Lacecap - white
2 to 3 Litre
Hydrangea 'Aplengluhen' & Hydrangea 'Ayesha'
HYDRANGEA 'Saint Claire'
Mophead - red, blue or purple (depending on soil) with a most striking and unusual whitish picotee edge to each petal
2 to 3 Litre
Available late spring to early summer 2025
Spring according to the Met Office is defined as March 1st - May 31st. Therefore late spring is mid-April onwards. This is not a guaranteed date but an estimate and subject to availability.
Notify me when this plant is available to order
Hydrangea 'Fireworks' & Hydrangea grandiflora
HYDRANGEA 'Veitchii'
Lacecap - large free-flowering white
2 to 3 Litre
HYDRANGEA aspera Villosa group
Hydrangea 'Zorro' & Berberis x ottawensis 'Superba'