These are the most superb plants for bringing into the house when in flower in the spring or summer. They do not mind the lack of light at all and sit happily in the dark of the front hall at Caerhays for the spring visitor season.
C. miniata is a bulbous plant originating by streams or in low lying woodland in South Afria. It is not hardy outdoors but is perfectly happy in a cold greenhouse with little attention.
It has strap shaped leaves rather like an amaryllis but, unlike an amaryllis, it is an evergreen perennial. The flower heads have up to 20 individual funnel shaped red or orange flowers with a yellow centre. The plant grows to around 18in with a smaller spread but quickly produces offsets so it will need potting on regularly over the years. We think however that it flowers most profusely when tight in its pot so there may be no great rush to pot on.
These plants are easily lifted and divided in the winter to generate new smaller followers. Mealy bugs may be a problem in the greenhouse but we have found that they generally prefer to attack other targets with less shiny leaves.