Tubers - Care Guide

Tidying for winter

1.	Dahlia’s, Canna’s and Ginger’s in frost prone areas need lifting to protect against winter wet and coldclick for larger image
1. Dahlia’s, Canna’s and Ginger’s in frost prone areas need lifting to protect against winter wet and cold
2.	Cut back top growth after first frost click for larger image
2. Cut back top growth after first frost
3.	Compost top growthclick for larger image
3. Compost top growth
4.	If in pots shake out, or if in the ground lift carefully with a garden forkclick for larger image
4. If in pots shake out, or if in the ground lift carefully with a garden fork
5.	Shake off lose soil from around the tuber/rhizomeclick for larger image
5. Shake off lose soil from around the tuber/rhizome
6.	Check for snails and slugs and removeclick for larger image
6. Check for snails and slugs and remove
7.	Leave for a couple of weeks to dry in a warm dry areaclick for larger image
7. Leave for a couple of weeks to dry in a warm dry area
8.	And remember to label each plantclick for larger image
8. And remember to label each plant
9.	Once the soil around the tuber/rhizome has dried, place in a tray and cover with dry compost or shredded paperclick for larger image
9. Once the soil around the tuber/rhizome has dried, place in a tray and cover with dry compost or shredded paper
10.	Keep frost free but cool, (around 5 degrees) and check every so often for any mouldclick for larger image
10. Keep frost free but cool, (around 5 degrees) and check every so often for any mould

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