The varieties which we offer are mat-forming perennials which grow around 18-24in tall with a similar spread. They are popular, sturdy and hardy herbaceous border plants whose flower spikes are sturdy enough not to need plant supports.
Propagation is straightforward from softwood cuttings but, lifting and dividing dormant clumps, is probably an easier way of creating new plants. Veronica perform well in pots or in planters and are plants which we often use on our show stands as they flower over long periods.
V. gentianoides has dark green leaves and, in summer, erect terminal racemes of delicate light blue flowers.
V. spicata ‘Alba’ flowers away from early to late summer with spikes of pure white flowers in profusion. It grows to about 2ft.
V. spicata ‘Glory’ (syn. ‘Royal Candles’) has a more compact growing habit with deep blue flower spikes.
V. spicata ‘Rotfuchs’ (‘Red Fox’) grows only to 12-15in in height and has dark pink flower spikes in profusion. It is certainly our bestselling veronica.
All of these plants enjoy full sun or partial shade in well drained fertile soil. A winter mulch will improve their performances in the following year.