There are two species of Campsis or Trumpet Vine, Campsis grandiflora from China and Campsis radicans from the South East of the United States. Both are strong and vigorous self-clinging plants who develop their own aerial roots. Both make an absolutely splendid show in September and on into the early autumn when there is not much else on show in the garden with flowers of this size.
Campsis grandiflora has deep orange and red trumpet shaped flowers on drooping panicles at the tips of this year growth. Campsis radicans has brilliant orange and scarlet flowers in terminal clusters also on this year’s growth.
Burncoose Nurseries also stocks several other varieties of Campsis radicans with different coloured flowers:-
• ‘Flamenco’ – orange throated with vivid orange-red flowers.
• ‘Indian Summer’ – a less vigorous grower with yellowish-orange flowers that are orange-red inside.
• ‘Yellow Trumpet’ – rich yellow flowers.
• ‘Madame Galen’ – this variety may well need support to get clambering. Safron-red flowers.
In 2024 we added the outstanding Campsis ‘Grenadine’ to our website. This has huge and remarkable orangey-pink flowers in profusion.
All our Campsis are on offer at £12.25 each for the month of September. This price includes VAT but not carriage and packing at our standard rates. This is a saving of £5.25 each.