Planting Combination

Geranium ‘Rozanne’, Scabiosa caucasica, Kniphofia ‘Bees Lemon’ and Euphorbia schillingii
SCABIOSA caucasica 'Chile Black'

SCABIOSA caucasica 'Chile Black'

Mourning bride, Pincushion flower, Scabious
Flowering spikes of maroon flowers up to 2.5 feet
individually £13.50 each , 3+ £12.00 each  1.5 to 2 Litre
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SCABIOSA caucasica var. alba

SCABIOSA caucasica var. alba

Mourning bride, Pincushion flower, Scabious
White form
individually £13.50 each , 3+ £12.00 each  1.5 to 2 Litre
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