Commonly known as Purple smoke bush, Venetian sumach, Wig tree
All flower JUL-SEPT
Attractive billowy, smokey plumes in late summer and a good, variable autumn colour are the attractive features of this large shrub.
Genus of 5 species of deciduous trees and shrubs from rocky habitats from the Mediterranean region to China and southern USA.
Plant Details
Pests & DiseasesSusceptible to Verticillium wilt. Powdery mildew may affect purple-leaved varieties.
Place of originSouthern Europe to central China.
DeciduousOval leaves to 7cm (3in), turning red in autumn.
PaniclesInconspicuous flowers in filamentous panicles to 15cm (6in) long
Fully hardy
Height5m (16ft)
Spread5m (16ft)
Tall ShrubUpright, loose-spreading bush.
Hardy - very cold winterHardy in all of UK and northern Europe. Plant can possibly withstand temperatures down to -20°C (-4°F)
Autumn Seasonal Interest
Spring Seasonal Interest
Summer Seasonal Interest
Rounded to broadly spreading
Mature Size5m (16ft)
5m (16ft)
Planting Tips and Care Advice
Garden Location/Conditions
BorderSuitable for a shrub border
Pruning group
Pruning group 1Suitable for: Deciduous and evergreen trees, and some deciduous shrubs.
Pruning: Minimal pruning required. Prune wayward or crossing branches to maintain a healthy framework.
When: When dormant in the late winter/early spring. Some in the summer/autumn to prevent bleeding of sap.
Pruning group 4Suitable for: Deciduous trees and shrubs that flower on current year's growth or are grown for winter stem effect.
Pruning: Hard prune to a low permanent framework.
When: Annually in early Spring.
For larger leaves -
Soil Conditions
Fertile moist well-drained soil
Sun Requirements
Full sunTo produce best colour.
Cotinus - Growing Guide
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