
EUPHORBIA griffithii 'Fireglow'
Commonly known as Spurge, Wolf's milk
Plant Details
Pests & Diseases
Aphids, grey mould. -
Place of origin
Bhutan, Tibet, southwestern China (Yunnan) -
Fully hardy
75cm (30in) -
1m (39in) -
HerbaceousEarly in the year, typically January till end of March, herbaceous plants might be supplied in 9cm pots to ensure timely despatch.Rhizomatous, vigorous perennial with erect stems, reddish-green when young. Lance-shaped, dark-green leaves 9-15cm (3.5-6in) long which turn red and yellow in autumn. Can become invasive.
Very hardy
Hardy in the severest continental climates including exposed upland locations in the UK. Plant can withstand temperatures < -20 (-4°F) -
Autumn Seasonal Interest
Spring Seasonal Interest
Summer Seasonal Interest
skin & eye irritant
People and pets, i.e. cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents -
toxic if eaten
People and pets, i.e. cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents -
Rabbit Resistant
Mature Size75cm (30in)
1m (39in)
Planting Tips and Care Advice
Garden Location/Conditions
BorderSuits a mixed or herbaceous border
Soil Conditions
Fertile moist well-drained soilHumus-rich.
Sun Requirements
Partial shade
Or light dappled shade.
Cold weather damage to evergreen plants
Euphorbia - Care Guide
Herbaceous Plants - Video Collection
- Dividing Herbaceous Perennials - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Spring Planting Osteospermums - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Dividing Summer Perennials - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Dividing summer flowering Hemerocallis - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Summer propagation - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Self-seeding aquilegia - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Supporting Plants - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Dead heading meconopsis - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Dead heading Delphiniums - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Feeding herbaceous peonies - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Overpotting Problems - Video Tip ondemand_video