GENISTA hispanica
Commonly known as Spanish gorse
Forms compact, spiny mound. Yellow, scented flowers
Plant Details
Pests & DiseasesAphids.
Place of originSouthwestern Europe.
Resistant to honey fungusThese plants have little or few problems with honey fungus.
Deciduousleaves hairy or silky beneath only on flowering branches
RacemesAlmost terminal racemes, 2.5cm (1in) across of 2-12 flowers 1cm (½in) long
Fully hardy
Height75cm (30in)
Spread1.5m (5ft)
Dwarf shrubTypically only grows to a maximum of one or two feet in height but there will be some exceptions.Dense, mound-forming, shrub.
Hardy - cold winterHardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters. May not withstand open/exposed sites or central/northern locations. Plant can withstand temperatures down to -15°C (5°F)
Scented flowers
Spring Seasonal Interest
Summer Seasonal Interest
Mature Size75cm (30in)
1.5m (5ft)
Planting Tips and Care Advice
Garden Location/Conditions
BorderSuitable for a shrub borderCoastal / windsweptRockery (inc alpine)Suitable for small gardens
Pruning group
Pruning group 1Suitable for: Deciduous and evergreen trees, and some deciduous shrubs.
Pruning: Minimal pruning required. Prune wayward or crossing branches to maintain a healthy framework.
When: When dormant in the late winter/early spring. Some in the summer/autumn to prevent bleeding of sap.
Will not regrow from old wood -
Soil Conditions
Medium to light, fertile, well drained soil
Sun Requirements
Full sun
Genista - Growing Guide