LEYCESTERIA crocothyrsos
Commonly known as Golden Himalayan honeysuckle
Upright shrub with arching shoots and golden yellow flowers. Reintroduced by Roy Lancaster
Plant Details
BerriesThese plants have berries.
Pests & DiseasesNone
Place of originIndia(Assam), northern Burma.
Resistant to honey fungusThese plants have little or few problems with honey fungus.
DeciduousTapered leaves to 15cm (6in) long.
YellowGolden yellow
RacemesArching, terminal racemes 12-17cm (4¾-6¾in) long
Frost hardy (down to -5)
Height2m (6½ft)
Spread2m (6½ft)
Medium shrubTypically grow to around 4-6 feet in heightProduces flowers to 2cm (¾in) long with wide-spreading lobes, followed by small green berries.
Hardy - average winterHardy through most of the UK apart from inland valleys, at altitude and central/northerly locations. May suffer foliage damage and stem dieback in harsh winters in cold gardens. Plant can withstand temperatures down to -10°C (14°F)
Summer Seasonal Interest
Mature Size2m (6½ft)
2m (6½ft)
Planting Tips and Care Advice
Pruning group
Pruning group 2Suitable for: Deciduous shrubs and trees that flower in Spring or early Summer on previous year's growth, including plants that produce new growth at or near ground level.
Pruning: Prune flowered shoots to strong buds. Cut back approximately 1/4 of old shoots to the base to promote replacement growth.
When: Annually, after flowering.
Pruning group 4Suitable for: Deciduous trees and shrubs that flower on current year's growth or are grown for winter stem effect.
Pruning: Hard prune to a low permanent framework.
When: Annually in early Spring.
Soil Conditions
Fertile well drained soil
Sun Requirements
Full sunShelter from cold windsPartial shade
Leycesteria - Growing Guide
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