
FUCHSIA boliviana
Commonly known as Peruvian fuchsia tree

Evergreen, conservatory species with large hairy green leaves and large drooping bunches of sealing-wax red flowers. Needs to be cut back hard each year for best results
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Pests & Diseases
Whiteflies, vine weevils, capsid bugs, aphids, red spider mites, grey mould (Botrytis), rust. -
Place of origin
Southern Peru to northern Argentina. -
Resistant to honey fungusThese plants have little or few problems with honey fungus.
EvergreenLeaves to 20cm (8in) long, sometimes with reddish veins. Flowers 5cm (2in) long in terminal racemes.
Tender (greenhouse & conservatory)
To 4m (12ft) -
1m (3ft) -
Ground coverThese plants are typically low growing and spread quickly to inhibit weed growth on areas of bare soil
Tall ShrubWith lax, arching shoots.
Heated greenhouse - warm temperate
Can be grown outside in summer. Plant can withstand temperatures down to 5°C (41°F) -
Mature Sizeto 4m (12ft)
1m (3ft)
View Planting Tips and Care Advice
Fuchsia - Care Guide
- Growing & Caring for Fuchias
- Fully hardy fuchsias as hedging or as shrubs
- Wall climbing fuchsias
- Tender conservatory fuchsias
- Hardy, colourful border fuchsias
- Hard Pruning - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Six weeks after pruning - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Fuchsia procumbens
- Propagation Fuchsia arborescens - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Fuchsia Hardwood Cuttings - Video Tip ondemand_video
View Planting Combinations