GALIUM odoratum

Commonly known as Sweet woodruff, Sweet-scented bedstraw

(syn. Asperula odorata). Mat-forming perennial with white star-shaped flowers
Further Reading....
  • Deciduous
    Whorls of 6-9, lance-shaped to elliptic leaves 2.5-5cm (1-2in) long with square stems and tiny, marginal prickles
  • White
  • Height
    45cm (18in)
  • Spread
  • Bulb/Corm or rhizomatous perennial
    Rhizomatous perennial. Flowers are produced in umbel-like cymes to 8cm (3in) across
  • Ground cover
    These plants are typically low growing and spread quickly to inhibit weed growth on areas of bare soil
  • Very hardy
    Hardy in the severest continental climates including exposed upland locations in the UK. Plant can withstand temperatures < -20 (-4°F)
  • Full sun
    Leaves may scorch in strong sun
  • Partial shade

GALIUM odoratum


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