YUCCA rostrata
Tree-like with bluish-green leaves
Plant Details
Exotic plants
Good to knowRequires a hot, well-drained position in alkaline soil
Pests & DiseasesLeaf spot, aphids on flowers
Place of originUSA (southwestern Texas), northern Mexico
EvergreenLinear, minutely toothed, spine-tipped leaves to 60cm (24in) long
Fully hardy
BlueSilvery blue
Height3m (10ft)
Spread1.5m (5ft)
Tall ShrubTree-like shrub, usually single-trunked and unbranched bearing a near-spherical rosette of over 100 leaves. Trunk is covered with the soft, grey remains of old leaf bases. In early to late summer produces erect, branched panicles 30-100cm (12-39in) long of spherical to bell-shaped flowers to 5cm (2in) long within or just above the rosette
Hardy - cold winterHardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters. May not withstand open/exposed sites or central/northern locations. Plant can withstand temperatures down to -15°C (5°F)
Autumn Seasonal Interest
Spring Seasonal Interest
Summer Seasonal Interest
Winter Seasonal Interest
harmful if eatenPets, i.e. cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents, notably cats, dogs
may cause skin allergyPeople
Mature Size3m (10ft)
1.5m (5ft)
Planting Tips and Care Advice
Garden Location/Conditions
Coastal / windsweptTown garden
Soil Conditions
Alkaline / Chalk lovingFertile well drained soil
Sun Requirements
Full sun