
FUCHSIA 'Lady Thumb'
Commonly known as Lady's eardrops

Semi-double flowers with deep pink with a light red calyx and a white corrolla with red veins
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Good to know
A sport of 'Tom Thumb'. Pinch out growing tips after 6th pair of leaves. Cut back to permanent framework in early spring -
Pests & Diseases
Vine weevils, capsid bugs, grey mould(Botrytis), rust -
Place of origin
Garden origin. UK. 1966. George Roe, Nottingham -
Resistant to honey fungusThese plants have little or few problems with honey fungus.
Shades of pink
All shades of pink through to Carmine (red)Carmine pink -
Pink-veined white petals -
Semi-doubleTwo rows of petals with conspicuous stamens
BorderSuits a mixed or shrub border
Cottage garden
Patio / pot plants
Suitable for small gardens
Town garden
Frost hardy (down to -5)Provide generous mulch in very cold winter weather
40cm (16in) -
45cm (18in) -
Dwarf shrubTypically only grows to a maximum of one or two feet in height but there will be some exceptions.Free-flowering, mound-forming, bushy shrub
Pruning group 4
Suitable for: Deciduous trees and shrubs that flower on current year's growth or are grown for winter stem effect.
Pruning: Hard prune to a low permanent framework.
When: Annually in early Spring.
Half hardy - unheated greenhouse / mild winter
Hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of the UK except in severe winters and a risk from sudden (early) frosts. May be hardy elsewhere with wall shelter or good micro-climate. Likely to be damaged or killed in cold winters. Plant can withstand temperatures down to -5°C (23°F) -
Summer Seasonal Interest
Fertile moist well-drained soil
Full sun
Partial shade
Bee friendly
Mature Size40cm (16in)
45cm (18in)
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