CAREX comans 'Frosted Curls'
Commonly known as New Zealand sedge grass
Silver grey with curled leaves forming a graceful hummock
Plant Details
Good to knowTolerant of salt-laden air.
Pests & DiseasesAphids.
Place of originNew Zealand
EvergreenArching, narrow leaves curling at the tips.
GreenFlower spikes
SpikesFlowering heads 5-10mm (¼-½in) long on stems 45-60cm (18-24in) long
Fully hardy
Height60cm (24in)
Spread45cm (18in)
Ornamental grassesSummer-flowering perennial
Hardy - average winterHardy through most of the UK apart from inland valleys, at altitude and central/northerly locations. May suffer foliage damage and stem dieback in harsh winters in cold gardens. Plant can withstand temperatures down to -10°C (14°F)
Autumn Seasonal Interest
Spring Seasonal Interest
Summer Seasonal Interest
Winter Seasonal Interest
Mature Size60cm (24in)
45cm (18in)
Planting Tips and Care Advice
Garden Location/Conditions
BorderSuits a mixed or herbaceous borderCoastal / windswept
Soil Conditions
Tolerates allAny moist soil. Will not tolerate extremes of wet or dry.
Sun Requirements
Full sunTolerates full sun as long as moist soil is maintained.Partial shade
Carex - Growing Guide
Grasses - Care Guide