
Commonly known as Canna lily, Indian shot plant
All flower JUL-AUG
Genus of about 50 species of perennials from forest margins and moist open areas in forests in Asia and tropical North and South America.
If protected from frost they are easily grown to flowering requiring an average 6-8 hours sunlight over summer.
The rhizomes are rich sources of starch and have been used as foodstuff historically and was once a staple food crop in Peru and Ecuador.
Hundreds of hybrids exist from complex crosses and distinction between them has become blurred.
Plant Details
Exotic plants
Good to know
Deadhead to promote continued flowering. Curious name refers to the dense, black seeds which resemble the lead shot ammunition used in the 18th and 19th centuries. -
Bulb/Corm or rhizomatous perennialRhizomatous perennials. Grown for the large, paddle-shaped leaves, 30-60cm (12-24in) long, and colourful, lily-like flowers
HerbaceousEarly in the year, typically January till end of March, herbaceous plants might be supplied in 9cm pots to ensure timely despatch.
Planting Tips and Care Advice
Canna - Care Guide
Herbaceous Plants - Video Collection
- Dividing Herbaceous Perennials - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Spring Planting Osteospermums - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Dividing Summer Perennials - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Dividing summer flowering Hemerocallis - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Summer propagation - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Self-seeding aquilegia - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Supporting Plants - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Dead heading meconopsis - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Dead heading Delphiniums - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Feeding herbaceous peonies - Video Tip ondemand_video
- Overpotting Problems - Video Tip ondemand_video
Tubers - Care Guide
Planting Combinations