TAXUS baccata 'Fastigiata'
Commonly known as Irish yew
Upright form with very dark green leaves
Plant Details
BerriesThese plants have berries.
Good to knowFemale. Height 1.8-2.5m (6-8ft), width 45-60cm (18-24in) in 10 years. Can withstand renovation pruning
Pests & DiseasesTortrix moth caterpillars, vine weevil, yew scale, Phytophthora root rot
Fully hardy
Height10m (33ft)
Spread6m (20ft)
Hardy - very cold winterHardy in all of UK and northern Europe. Plant can possibly withstand temperatures down to -20°C (-4°F)
Autumn Seasonal Interest
Spring Seasonal Interest
Summer Seasonal Interest
Winter Seasonal Interest
toxic if eatenPeople and pets, i.e. cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents
Broadly columnar
Planting Tips and Care Advice
Garden Location/Conditions
BorderSuitable for a shrub borderCoastal / windsweptCottage gardenSuitable for small gardensIf clipped from an early ageTown garden
Soil Conditions
Fertile well drained soil
Sun Requirements
Full shadeFull sunPartial shade
Taxus - Care Guide
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