We have made lots of short videos of tips for the garden, all of these can be found on our youtube channel.
Packing & Delivery
- Packing Shed - How we pack a single plant for delivery
- Packing Shed - How we pack several plants for delivery
- Packing Shed - How we pack your plants on a pallet
Around the nurseries at Burncoose
- Hydrangeas stocked in July 2021
- Chelsea Flower Show tunnels May 2021
- Propagation tunnels Spring 2021
- Getting ready for Spring 2021
- Potting up ready for spring Feb 2021
- Polytunnels in February 2022
- Watering in February 2022
- Christine in the flower tunnels Feb 2022 part 1, part 2, part 3
- Cressy from Propagation 2022 part1, part 2
- Cressy talking about the seedling process
- Charles finding an odd colour combination - April 2022
- Christine talking about peat-free compost
- Charles in Hydrangea bed area - June 2022
- Charles in Agapanthus bed area - June 2022
- Christine talking tropical - August 2022
- 30 acre gardens open now - March 2023
- Cressy looking 2/3 yr rhododendrons - April 2023
- Charles in the woodland garden - Azaleas & Bluebells - May 2023
- Charles in the burncoose gardens - June 2023
- Cressy in the new propagation glass house - July 2023
- Andrew with peat free compost updates - March 2024
- Cressy & Camellia propagation - August 2024
- Andrew & Summer flowering Hydrangeas - August 2024
General Garden Tips
- Bulbs - Protecting Spring Bulbs
- Climbers - Training
- Climbers More - Training
- Climbers - Potting-up
- Coastal planting - Some easy suggestions
- Ground Cover - Cover steep banks
- Herbaceous perennial plants - Propagation
- Herbaceous perennial plants - Pruning
- Herbaceous perennial plants - Self-sown seedlings
- Herbaceous perennial plants - Splitting and dividing
- Herbaceous perennial plants - Supporting
- General - Fasciation in plants
- Maintenance - Bird Boxes - Spring Clean
- Maintenance - Bird Nest Material/Dog Hair
- Maintenance - Brambles - Removing
- Maintenance - Deadheading
- Maintenance - Feeding container grown plants
- Maintenance - Grass cutting in a woodland garden
- Maintenance - Grass cutting delays for wild flowers & wild life
- Maintenance - Greenhouse improving humidity
- Maintenance - Greenhouse checking cuttings
- Maintenance - Greenhouse winter/spring tidyup
- Maintenance - Gutter clearing
- Maintenance - Hedge Planting
- Maintenance - Hedge Trimming Annual trim
- Maintenance - Hedge Trimming 5 yr trim
- Maintenance - Ivy - Removing
- Maintenance - Ivy - Removing version 2
- Maintenance - Ivy - From Magnolias
- Maintenance - Leaves - Clearing from ditches & paths
- Maintenance - Plants from cold winds
- Maintenance - Repotting - Root-bound plants
- Maintenance - Repotting - Over potting
- Maintenance - Record keeping - plants and replacements
- Maintenance - Shoots on grafted plants
- Maintenance - Supporting Plants
- Maintenance - Training Plants
- Maintenance - Variegation - maintaining in plants and hedges.
- Maintenance - Variegated plants - Pruning
- Maintenance - Water Collection
- Pests & Diseases - Honey Fungus
- Pests & Diseases - Mealy Bugs
- Pests & Diseases - Powdery Mildew
- Pests & Diseases - Rabbit Damage Protection
- Pests & Diseases - Red Spider Mite
- Pests & Diseases - Scale Insect
- Pests & Diseases - Sooty Mould - Thrips
- Pests & Diseases - Wasps
- Perennials - Splitting and dividing summer perennials
- Perennials - DIY Propagation
- Perennials - Spring flowering tidy up in June
- Perennial grasses - Tidying up
- Shrubs - Fertilising
- Shrubs - Moving and replanting
- Shrubs - Mulching
- Shrubs - Pruning
- Shrubs - Self-sown seedlings
- Shrubs - Semi-ripe cuttings - Plumbago
- Shrubs - Semi-ripe cuttings - Camellia, Lomatia & Rhododendron
- Shrubs - Hardwood cuttings - Fuchsia, Buddleja, Berberis, Deutzia & Salix
- Trees - Checking ties
- Trees - Tie Damage
- Trees - Deer protection
- Trees - Deer protection 2
- Trees - Deer protection 3
- Trees - Rabbit / Deer protection 2022
- Trees - Maintaining variegation
- Trees - Planting a tree
- Trees - Pruning
- Trees - Spring Pruning
- Trees - Removing side shoots
- Trees - Removing suckers from below graft (azalea)
- Trees - Pruning and thinning beech hedge
- Trees - Hand weeding young trees
- Trees - Fallen young tree - restaking
- Trees - Fallen beech tree
- Trees - Fallen old tree
- Trees - Checking storm damage
- Trees - Removing Wire Protection
- Trees - Removing Stakes & Ties
- Trees - October young tree maintenance
- Trees - Weed Spraying - short (2017)
- Trees - Weed Spraying - short (2021)
- Trees - Weed Spraying - long (2021)
- Trees - Undertaking a survey
- Trees - Uplifting crown
Plant Specific Tips
- Abutilon - Pruning
- Abutilon - Propagation - Cuttings
- Acacia - Spotlight of 4 species
- Acanthus - Summer Pruning
- Achillea - Splitting / Dividing
- Acers - Scorching & Dieback
- Aeonium - Propagation of offsets
- Aesculus - Flowering Background info.
- Aesculus wilsonii - Background info.
- Agapanthus - Splitting / Dividing
- Alliums - Planting in autumn
- Albizia 'Summer Chocolate' - Background info.
- Alstroemeria - Care
- Amelanchier Collection
- Anemones - As cut flowers
- Aguilegia - Cutting back
- Aguilegia - Self-seeding
- Astelia - Splitting / Dividing
- Astilbe - Splitting / Dividing
- Atherosperma moshatum - Background Info.
- Aucuba omeiensis - Background Info.
- Azalea - Removing suckers from below graft (azalea)
- Azalea - ‘Caerhays Lavender’,'Black Hawk’ & ‘Melford Lemon’
- Bamboo - Pruning
- Banksian rose - Pruning
- Berberis - Hardwood cuttings
- Broussonetia papyifera - Background info.
- Brugmansia - Pruning
- Buddleia - Pruning
- Buddleia - Hardwood cuttings
- Callicarpa - bodinieri & shirasawanum
- Callistemon - Deadheading / Pruning
- Callistemon - Deadheading / Pruning No. 2
- Camellias - A guide to sizing & pricing
- Camellias - Care Guide
- Camellias - Maintenance - Pruning
- Camellias - Maintenance - Deadheading
- Camellias - Maintenance - Using Camellia as a windbreak
- Camellias - Maintenance - Wind damaged, pruning & staking (grisjii)
- Camellias - Maintenance - Restaking fallen reticulata
- Camellias - Propagation - Seed collecting - 12/2019
- Camellias - Propagation - Seed collecting - 12/2020
- Camellias - Propagation - Self-seeding reticulata
- Camellias - Propagation - Semi-ripe cuttings
- Camellias - Propagation - Reshaping cuttings for better shaped plants
- Camellias - Propagation - Cutting background info
- Camellias - Propagation - Camellia propagation Dec 2022
- Camellias - Pests & Diseases - Sooty Mould - Thrips
- Camellias - Autumn flowering camellias - 2019 - Background info.
- Camellias - Ancient sasanqua camellias - Part 1 - Background info.
- Camellias - 5 featured sasanqua hybrids in November - Part 2 - Background info.
Camellias - 5 featured sasanqua camellias - Part 3 - Background info. - Camellias - new sasanqua varieties - Background info.
- Camellias - oleifera - Background info.
- Camellias - 'Donation' as hedging - Background info.
- Camellias - 'Satan's Robe' - Background info.
- Camellias - vernalis 'Dawn' - Background info.
- Camellia transnokoensis - Background info.
- Camellias - x williamsii - Background info.
- Camellias - 'Cornish Snow Michael' in early March - Background info.
- Campsis - Autumn Pruning
- Cardiocrinum giganteum - Growing Guide
- Catalpa - Tidying winter damage
- Catalpa duclouxii - Background info.
- Catalpa 5 species - Background info.
- Citrus - Feeding
- Citrus - Winter Feeding
- Citrus - Pruning after flowering
- Clethra - Background info.
- Crataegus laevigata ‘Crimson Cloud’ - Background info.
- Crataegus laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’ - Background info.
- Crataegus schraderiana, ellwangeriana, combyi & aprica - Background info.
- Crocosmia - lifting and splitting
- Cordyline - Pruning dead wood
- Cordyline australis- Pruning
- Cornus - Pruning
- Cornus capitata - Seed collecting
- Cornus capitata - Background info.
- Cornus kousa ‘Doubloon’ - Background info.
- Cornus kousa 'Satomi' - Background info.
- Cornus kousa 'Satomi' - Background info in June
- Cragaegus - Removing suckers
- Crocosmia - Background Info
- Cupressus leylandii - Removing very large hedge
- Cytisus 'Porlock' - Pruning after flowering
- Daffodils - Deadheading / Pruning
- Daffodils - Planting in autumn
- Daffodils/narcissus - Hybridisation
- Daphne bholua & growing in pots - Background info.
- Daphne odora 'Perfume Princess' - Background info.
- Decaisnea - Seed Collection.
- Delphinium - Cutting Back / Pruning V1.
- Delphinium - Cutting Back / Pruning V2.
- Deutzia - Summer Pruning
- Deutzia - Hardwood cuttings
- Deutzia 'Strawberry Fields' - Background info.
- Deutzia longifolia, 'Dali' & 'Strawberry Fields' - Background info.
- Dicentra scandens - Background info.
- Dicksonia / Tree Ferns - Planting
- Dicksonia / Tree Ferns - Tidying
- Dicksonia / Tree Ferns - Winter Protection
- Dicksonia / Tree Ferns - Trunk Watering
- Dodonea viscosa ‘Purpurea’ - reverting colour
- Echinops - Seed collection & Drying Flowers - 2019
- Echinops - Drying Flowers - 2020
- Echium pininana - Leave to seed - Quick video
- Echium pininana - Self-sown seedings
- Echiums - Seedlings to mature plants
- Embothrium - Seed collection & Storage
- Embothrium - Propagation
- Embothrium - Pricking out seedlings
- Epimedium - Spring Tidy
- Eremurus - Planting
- Escallonia - Black Spot
- Escallonia - Pruning
- Eucryphia - Winter damage
- Eucryphia 'Nymansay' - Background Info.
- Euphorbia - Evergreen Pruning
- Euphorbia - Dead Heading
- Fascicularia - Splitting / Dividing
- Fern - Care
- Ferns - Reproduction
- Ferns - Tidying
- Ferns - Spring tidying decidious ferns
- Forsythia - Spring Pruning
- Fuchsia - F. arborescens Propagation
- Fuchsia - Hardwood cuttings
- Fuchsia - Pruning
- Fuchsia - Pruning, six weeks later
- Fuchsia procumbens - Background info.
- Gardenias - Care
- Garrya Elliptica 'James Roof' - Care
- Genista 'Porlock' - Pruning after flowering
- Genista 'Porlock' - Pruning after flowering - 2021
- Geranium - lifting and splitting
- Griselinia - Maintaining variegation
- Gunnera - Propagation by splitting
- Gunnera manicata - RHS/DEFRA Ban
- Heathers - Pruning Summer Flowering Heathers
- Heathers - Pruning Tree Heathers
- Heathers - Tree Heathers - Erica arborea - Background Info
- Hedychium - Propagation by splitting
- Helenium - Autumn tidy up
- Helianthus - Propagation by splitting
- Hellebores - Care
- Hellebores - Spring Tidy
- Hellebores - Christine's Favourites
- Hemerocallis - Day lillies Deadheading
- Hemerocallis - Day lillies Propagation by splitting
- Hibiscus 'Starry Starry Night' - Background Info.
- Hoheria - Checking deadwood
- Hoheria species part 1 - Background info.
- Hoheria species part 2a - Background info.
- Hostas - Protecting
- Hostas - Slug protection
- Hoya - 4 methods of propagation
- Hyacinths - Planting for Christmas
- Hydrangeas - Pruning
- Hydrangeas - How & when to prune
- Hydrangeas - Keeping them blue
- Hydrangeas - Drying flower heads
- Hydrangeas - aspera villosa, 'Vanille Fraise', 'Joseph Banks', 'Fireworks' & 'Sunset'
- Hydrangea paniculata - ‘Early Sensation’ ‘Polar Bear’ ‘Skyfall’ ‘Vanilla Fraise’ ‘Kyushu’ ‘Grandiflora’ ‘Tardiva’
- Hypericum - Pruning
- Jasmine - Pruning
- Jovellana - Propagation by soft cuttings
- Ilex - Potting on propagation
- Ilex acquifolium 'Bacciflava' - Yellow Berries
- Ilex verticillata & dimorphophylla - Background info.
- Iris - Deadheading
- Ivy - Removing
- Laburnocytisus 'Adamii' - Flowering
- Lampranthus - Pruning
- Lapageria - Care, propagation - 'Picotee', rosea, 'Flesh Pink' - Background Info.
- Laurel - Annual Pruning Hedges
- Laurel - 4/5 Year Hard Pruning Hedges
- Laurel - Hedges over the years
- Lavender - Harvesting for drying
- Lavender - Pruning French Lavender
- Lavender - General dead-heading
- Lavender - Propagation by cuttings
- Ligularia - Autumn tidy up
- Lily bulbs - Planting up
- Lindera - Background info
- Liriodendron chinense - Autumn colour
- Lithocarpus pachyphyllus - Propagation - seed collection
- Lomatia - Propagation by semi-ripe cuttings
- Lomatia - Propagation bringing on cuttings
- Lonicera - Summer pruning
- Lupins - Dead heading & powdery mildew
- Maackia species - Background info.
- Magnolia - A guide to sizing & pricing
- Magnolia - Maintenance - Checking deadwood
- Magnolia - Maintenance - Dealing with die back
- Magnolia - Maintenance - Planting a tree
- Magnolia - Maintenance - Potting on seedlings
- Magnolia - Maintenance - Pruning
- Magnolia - Maintenance - Pruning with chainsaw
- Magnolia - Maintenance - Seed collecting
- Magnolia - Maintenance - Shoots on rootstock
- Magnolia - Maintenance - Large shoot on rootstock
- Magnolia - Pests & Diseases - Scale Insect
- Magnolia - Pests & Diseases - Protection from slugs - short version
- Magnolia - Pests & Diseases - Protection from slugs - longer version
- Magnolia - Secondary Flowering in August
- Magnolia - Secondary Flowering in September
Magnolia 'Albatross' - Background info. - Magnolia 'Atlas' x Magnolia 'Lanarth' - Background info.
- Magnolia 'Caerhays Surprise' - Background info.
- Magnolia campbellii in late January - Background info
- Magnolia campbellii 'Alba' - Background info.
- Magnolia campbellii 'Valentine's Torch' - Background info.
- Magnolia campbellii alba 'Strybing White' in late January - Background info
- Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata 'Lanarth' - Background info.
- Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata 'Lanarth' - New Zealand - Background info.
- Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata 'Lanarth' in late January - Background info
- Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata 'Lanarth' in early March - Background info
- Magnolia foveolata (Michelia) - Background info.
- Magnolia globosa - Background info.
- Magnolia / Manglietia insignis - Background info.
- Magnolia macclurei (Michelia) - Background info.
- Magnolia 'Atlas', 'Raspberry Fun', 'Sunrise' & x veitchii - Background info.
- Magnolia 'F.J. Wiiliams' - Background info.
- Magnolia 'Lois', 'Peachy' & 'Limelight' - Background info.
- Magnolia 'Lemon Star', 'Tranquility' & 'Banana Split' & 'Peach Brandy' - Background info.
- Magnolia 'Peachy' & 'Daybreak' - Background info.
- Magnolia 'Pink Flush' - Background info in June.
- Magnolia rostrata - Background info.
- Magnolia 'Shirazz' - Background info.
- Magnolia 'Star Wars', doltsopa & veitchii - Background info.
- Magnolia sieboldii, sieboldii sinensis, x wieseneri, 'Summer Solstice' - Background info.
- Magnolia sprengeri 'Diva' 'Burncoose' - Background info.
- Magnolia 'Todd's Forty Niner' - Background info.
- Magnolia 'Todd's Forty Niner' in late January - Background info
- Magnolia 'Tikitere' - Background info.
- Magnolia 'Tropicana' - Background info.
- Magnolia x M. 'Vulcan' & M. 'Atlas' - Background info.
- Magnolia 'Woodsman' x 'Patriot' - Background info.
- Magnolia Jaimie's unnamed hybrids - Background info.
- Magnolia - Best yellow magnolias video feature.
- Mahonia - Pruning and 1 year regrowth
- Mahonia - ‘Charity’, ‘Winters Sun’ & ‘Soft Caress’
- Malus - Restaking fallen young tree
- Meconopsis - Deadheading V1
- Meconopsis - Deadheading V2
- Melicytus - Spotlight video, obovatus & crassifolius
- Melliodendron xylocarpum in flower
- Mespilus - Restaking/Pruning
- Mespilus - Unstaking young tree and pruning
- Michelia in April - 'Fairy Cream', 'Fairy White', 'Fairy Blush', 'Mixed up Miss', 'Touch of Pink'
- Michelia in April - ernestii, laevifolia, laevifolia ‘Summer Snowflake’, ‘All Spice’, floribunda, cavaleriei var. platypetala, maudiae
- Musa - Fleecing for Winter
- Musa - Splitting / Dividing
- Myrtus / Luma - Self-sown seedlings - 1
- Myrtus communis / Luma - Self-sown seedlings - 2
- Myrtus / Luma - Variegation reversion
- Olearia scilloniensis - Summer Pruning
- Oemleria cerasiformis - Background info.
- Osmanthus yunnanensis - Background info.
- Papaver / poppies - Spring flowering tidy up in June
- Paulownia - Pruning and upllifting
- Paulownia - Background info, species at Caerhays
- Peonies - Spring feeding
- Peonies (Tree) - Seed Collecting
- Philadelphus - Summer Pruning
- Phlox 'White Admiral' - Background Info.
- Phormium - Splitting Pot Grown Plants
- Photinia beauverdiana var notabilis - Background info.
- Photinia villosa - Background info.
- Plumbago - Pruning
- Plumbago - Semi-ripe cuttings
- Podocarpus - Uplifting tree crown
- Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue Chip’ - Background info.
- Podocarpus salignus - Background info.
- Polyspora - New genus - Background info.
- Prostanthera rotundifolia - Background info.
- Prunus - Maintenance - Pruning overlapping branches
- Prunus - Maintenance - Pruning drooping branches
- Prunus - Maintenance - Major thinning of windbreaks
- Prunus 'Okame', 'Kursar' & conradinae - Background info.
- Prunus 'Kursar' & conradinae - Background info - 2021.
- Pseudotsuga menziesii - Uplifting
- Punica - Background info.
- Quercus cerris - Felling Preparations - Part 1
- Quercus cerris - Crown removal - Part 2
- Quercus cerris 'Argenteovariegata' - Maintaining variegation
- Quercus ilex - Uplifting
- Rhododendron - Pruning - Don't!
- Rhododendron - Deadheading
- Rhododendron - Drought issues
- Rhododendron - Maintenance - Propping up fallen rhodie
- Rhododendron - Propagation - Seed collecting
- Rhododendron - Propagation - Potting on seedlings
- Rhododendron - Propagation - Potting on seedlings - 2
- Rhododendron - Propagation - 3 year program
- Rhododendron - Propagation - Repotting Rhododendrons Dec 2022
- Rhododendron - Propagation by Layering - short
- Rhododendron - Propagation by Layering - long
- Rhododendron - Propagation by Layering - lifting and replanting layers
- Rhododendron - Propagation by semi-ripe cuttings
- Rhododendron - Propagation by semi-ripe cuttings - R. 'Cornish Red'
- Rhododendron - Propagation by semi-ripe cuttings - Scented rhodies'
- Rhododendron - Propagation by semi-ripe cuttings - Scented R. 'Princess Alice''
- Rhododendron - Making a hybrid
- Rhododendron - Making a hairy or scaly cross?
- Rhododendron - Pruning
- Rhododendron - Pruning thuggish 'Cornish Red'
- Rhododendron augustinii,edgworthii x leucaspis, ‘Anne Teese’, x loderi 'King George', nivium - Background info.
- Rhododendron 'Cilpinense' - Background info.
- Rhododendron 'Cilpinense' - Background info.
- Rhododendron decorum (pink form) - Background info.
- Rhododendron dwarf species - Background info.
- Rhododendron genestrianum - Background info.
- Rhododendron 'Lem's Monach', 'Fabia', decorum, lindleyi & 'Nancy Evans' - Background info.
- Rhododendron loderi 'King George' - Background info.
- Rhododendron 'Ostara' - Background info.
- Rhododendron ‘Pink Polar Bear’ - Background info.
- Rhododendron 'Red Centurian' - Background info.
- Rhododendron - scented rhodies - Background info.
- Romneya Tree Poppy - Propagating
- Romneya Tree Poppy - Pruning
- Romneya Tree Poppy - Supporting
- Rosa - Dead heading
- Rosa - Disease - Rose Rust
- Rosmarinus / Rosemary - Summer Pruning
- Salix - Hardwood cuttings
- Sarcococca 5 species - Background info.
- Schefflera 5 specifes - Background info.
- Schima khasiana - Background info.
- Skimmia - How to get berries on your plants
- Snowdrops - Lifting and dividing snowdrops with Gerry
- Snowdrops - Lifting and dividing snowdrops with Andrew
- Sophora 'Sun King' - Background info.
- Sophora 'Sun King' in flower with R. 'King George' - Background info.
- Stachyurus - Background info.
- Staphylea holocarpa 'Rosea' - Removing shoots below graft
- Staphylea holocarpa 'Rosea' - Background info.
- Strelitzia - Splitting / Dividing
- Stewartia rostrata - Background info.
- Stryax - Propagation - Cleaning & Storing seed
- Stryax formosanus & hemsleyanus - Background info.
- Styrax japonicus ‘Pendulus’ - Background info.
- Styrax japonicus ‘Emerald Pagoda’ - Background info.
- Styrax 6 species - Background info.
- x Sycoparrotia semidecidua - Background info.
- Symplocos paniculata - Background info.
- Syringa - Removing suckers
- Taxus / Yew - Hedge trimming
- Thalictrum - Lifting & splitting
- Tibouchina - Pruning
- Tilia - Removing side shoots
- Tradescantia - Lifting & tidying
- Tulips - Planting in autumn/winter
- Verbena - Spring Pruning
- Viburnum 'Dawn' & 'Charles Lamont' - Background Info.
- Vitex angus castus - Background Info.
- Vitis coignetaie - Pruning
- Weigela - Trimming & Pruning after flowering
- Wisteria - Effect of winter pruning
- Wisteria - Summer June/July pruning
- Yew - Poisonous seeds in autumn
- Zantedeschia, Arum Lily - Support