Edgeworthia - Growing Guide

Edgeworthia - Growing Information

We generally think of edgeworthia as tender conservatory or greenhouse plants but this need not be the case in milder areas and sheltered locations.

Edgeworthia chrysantha is normally deciduous. It originates from China and the Himalayas and grows, as a small rounded shrub, to about 4 or 5ft in height (occasionally more in a heated glasshouse). Edgeworthias have supple, bendy and papery bark with dark green obovate leaves.

Edgeworthia chrysantha click for larger image
Edgeworthia chrysantha
Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Grandiflora' click for larger image
Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Grandiflora'
Edgeworthia 'Red Dragon' click for larger image
Edgeworthia 'Red Dragon'

The yellow flowers appear in terminal clusters with us in January or February and have an attractive scent which fills the air. If grown outside these early flowers can be subjected to some frost damage. A fleece covering helps on cold nights.

If grown outside they need to grow against a warm wall but in milder areas they make attractive features in borders or in a well sheltered woodland glade with full sun or dappled shade.

Edgeworthia chrysanthaclick for larger image
Edgeworthia chrysantha
Edgeworthia chrysantha click for larger image
Edgeworthia chrysantha
Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Grandiflora'click for larger image
Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Grandiflora'

If grown in pots in the greenhouse they need plenty of water during the growing season but need to be kept on the dry side over winter until the flowers appear.

As greenhouse plants we have problems which need monitoring with both white fly and red spider mites on the leaves. It pays to move the plants outside if they become infested.

While most edgeworthias have yellow flowers there are others with a hint of orange and one which we offer from time to time called E. ‘Red Dragon’ which is as its name implies.

You will probably lose your edgeworthia if planted outside in a cold winter even in Cornwall. Hedging your bets with a large container which comes in for the winter is probably the most sensible approach.

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