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March Conservatory & Greenhouse Tips

Whether in containers or planted in beds or whether your conservatory is an extra garden room to your dwelling, now is the time to start feeding or re-potting plants for the coming season’s display – always increase the pot size gradually.


Indoor Azaleas often produced for the pot plant market, if correctly treated can be grown on for future years. They are usually in a peat based compost which dries out easily and needs to be kept moist.  The plants themselves hate a hot dry atmosphere so as they finish flowering, deadhead, then pot on in an ericaceous compost and move to a cool greenhouse or plunge outside in a semi-shaded position.  Keep them watered and feed throughout the summer and they will grow and perform next year.


Bougainvilleas which are usually rested for the winter and kept semi-dormant, can now be started off with increased watering and regular feeding.  Prune and remove some of the growth that flowered last year and prune lateral shoots back to 4”-6” from the main stem.


Jasminum polyanthumclick for larger image
Jasmine in flowerclick for larger image

Jasminum polyanthum should now be in full flower and its perfume filling the air.  Do not let the plant dry out and keep it fed regularly.   
Click here for Jasmine care guide.



Gardenias make a superb pot plant and need similar treatment to rhododendrons and azaleas. If kept frost free they continue to produce flower buds and flowers throughout the year.  Prune back any straggly growth if necessary and use an ericaceous feed or compost.  Mist regularly in a very dry atmosphere.


Hoyas are a conservatory favourite but as it is evergreen seem to attract mealy bug.  This pest is protected by the “woolly” coating which is impervious to most proprietary sprays.  Although time consuming, painting the infected areas with methylated spirit, vodka or surgical spirit will help keep the problems under control.  



Boronia heterophylla is both a spectacular and heavily scented subject which is ericaceous and needs similar treatment to the Azalea and Rhododendron.  Tip prune very lightly after flowering.

Click here for our Boronia care guide.

Boronia heterophyllaclick for larger image
Boronia heterophyllaclick for larger image

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