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Chelsea plants 101

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Burncoose Nurseries to showcase 101 plants form China at RHS Chelsea Flower Show

To mark the 101st RHS Chelsea Flower Show, Burncoose Nurseries will be featuring 101 plants from China on its exhibit in the Great Pavilion.
The garden, which is supported by Terra Firma Capital Partners, is designed to illustrate how many of the most popular everyday plants in our herbaceous, ornamental and woodland gardens were in fact first discovered only 100 or so years ago in Southern China and its historical outlying provinces.

The 101 plants which will be seen on the Burncoose stand at the world’s most famous garden show, represent the work of the great plant hunters, Ernest Wilson, George Forrest and Frank Kingdom Ward who travelled to China after 1905 on often dangerous and difficult expeditions to collect seeds from new and unknown species of plants.  These expeditions were funded by nurserymen, horticulturalists and landowners who remained safely back in the UK. 

With a family history and heritage in horticulture, spanning 150 years, including funding plant hunting expeditions, Owner of Burncoose Nurseries, Charles Williams knows better than most what the intrepid plant hunters must have encountered on their missions.

To illustrate some of the challenges and adventures experienced by plant hunters in China, visitors to the Burncoose stand will be able to see a collection of original photographs taken on some of George Forrest’s 11 expeditions to China between 1905 and 1932.

Chinese plant hunters, Rocky RavineChinese plant hunters,

These photographs come from the Williams family archive on the Caerhays Estate (of which Burncoose Nurseries is part) and were sent back to Cornwall by George Forrest to J.C. Williams of Caerhays Castle, the great grandfather of the current owner, Charles Williams.
These pictures of life in China at the turn of the 20th Century and the plants that the collectors discovered in different habitats are unique and have never been seen by the public before.
Commenting on the garden design, Charles Williams said, “This is a rather different Burncoose stand which will not necessarily be the usual massed blaze of colour.  The intention is to enable visitors to the show to conjure up in their minds the historical reality of how this vast wealth of Chinese plants have actually come to thrive and be enjoyed in our gardens today.”
The stand will represent a rocky Chinese ravine with the plants that the great British plant hunters would have seen for the very first time.  It has been created and brought to life by Burncoose’s long-standing Chelsea design team, Gerry Hammond and Louisa Lazarowicz.
The Burncoose Nurseries’ garden is once again supported by Terra Firma Capital Partners, a unique private equity organisation who are also generous supporters of youth charity The Prince s Trust and use their sponsorship at RHS Chelsea to support the work of the charity. This year Prince’s Trust Ambassador, model and actress, Jerry Hall will be visiting the Burncoose stand on press day.

Burncoose has a strong track record of success at Chelsea, having won a combined collection of more than 30 Gold and Silver Gilt medals during the past 25 years whilst exhibiting at the show.

The Burncoose exhibit will be located in the Great Pavilion, stand number D18.

Here is our 101 plant list.

Acer davidii 'George Forrest' (Southern China – Introduced 1921-2 by George Forrest)
Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' (China and Japan – I. 1888)
Actinidia tetramera var maloides (China) formerly Actinidia pilulosa
Aesculus wilsonii (Central China – I. 1908 by Ernest Wilson)
Alangium platanifolium (China, Korea – I. 1879)
Arisaema consanguineum (Himalayas)
Arisaema speciosum 'Magnificum' (Himalayas)
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii (Nepal, Kashmir – I. 1880)
Cardiocrinum giganteum (Himalayas, South Western China – I. 1850's)
Castanopsis cuspidata (Korea – I. 1928)
Cercidiphyllum japonicum (China - I. 1881)
Citrus trifoliata (Western China – Introduced by Ernest Wilson) formerly Poncirus trifoliata 
Cleyera japonica 'Variegata' (China – I. 1870)
Cornus kousa (Korea – I. 1875)
Cunninghamia lanceolata (Central and Southern China – I. 1804)
Daphniphyllum macropodum (China and Korea – I. 1879)
Davidia involucrata (Western China – I. 1904 by Ernest Wilson)
Decaisnea fargesii (Western China – I. 1895)
Deutzia scabra 'Rosea Plena' (Western China – I. 1861)
Dipelta ventricosa (Western China – I. 1902 by Ernest Wilson)
Dipelta yunnanensis (Western China – I. 1910 by George Forrest)
Disporopsis pernyi (South East China)
Disporopsis undulata (China)
Distyllum racemosum (China, Taiwan)
Dryopteris erythrosora (China)
Dryopteris lepidopoda (Himalayas)
Eriobotrya deflexa (Taiwan)
Eriobotrya japonica (China – I. 1787)
Euonymus japonicus (China and Japan)
Euonymus lucidus (Himalayas – I. 1850)
Gardenia jasminoides (China and Taiwan – I. 1750)
Ginkgo biloba (South East China – I. 1754)
Helwingia chinensis (China and Nepal – I. by Roy Lancaster)
Hydrangea anomala ssp. petiolaris var. cordifolia (Korea – I. 1865)
Ilex kingiana (Himalayas, Southern China – I. 1880)
Ilex latifolia (China – I. 1840)
Illicium henryi (Western China)
Incarvillea delavayi (Western China – I. post 1895 by George Forrest)
Jasminum polyanthum (South Western China – I. 1891)
Kalopanax septemlobus (China and Korea – I. 1865)
Ligularia dentata (China)
Ligularia przewalskii (China)
Lilium candidum (China)
Lindera megaphylla (Southern China, Taiwan – I. 1900 by Ernest Wilson)
Lithocarpus pachyphyllus (Western China – I. 1907 by Ernest Wilson)
Lonicera henryi (Western China – I. 1908 by Ernest Wilson)
Lycium barbarum (China – I. 1700)
Magnolia delavayi (China – I. 1899 by Ernest Wilson)
Magnolia sieboldii (China and Korea – I. 1865)
Meconopsis betonicifolia (Tibet, South Western China – I. 1912)
Meliosma dilleniifolia ssp. flexuosa (China – I. 1907 by Ernest Wilson)
Musa basjoo (Southern China – I. 1881)
Nandina domestica (China – I. 1804)
Neolitsea sericea (China, Taiwan and Korea)
Osmanthus delavayi (Western China – I. 1890)
Osmanthus fragrans (Himalayas, China and Japan – I. 1771)
Pachysandra terminalis (Northern China – I. 1882) 
Paeonia suffruticosa (Western China and Tibet)
Petasites japonicus (China and Korea – I. 1897)
Phyllostachys nigra (Central and Eastern China and Taiwan – I. 1827)
Pileostegia viburnoides (Southern China – I. 1908 by Ernest Wilson)
Piptanthus nepalense (Bhutan, China and Nepal – I. 1821)
Pistacia chinensis (Central and Western China – I. 1897)
Poliothyrsis sinensis (China – I. 1904 by Ernest Wilson)
Polystichum polyblepharum (China and Korea)
Populus lasiocarpa (China – I. 1900 by Ernest Wilson)
Potentilla megalantha (East Asia)
Primula beesiana (South Western China – I. 1906 by George Forrest)
Primula bulleyana (China – I. 1906 by George Forrest)
Primula chungensis (China and Burma – I. By George Forrest)
Primula pulverulenta (South Western China)
Primula vialii (China – I. by George Forrest)
Pterocarya stenoptera (China – I. 1860)
Pterostyrax hispida (China – I. 1875)
Quercus accutissima (China and Korea – I. 1862)
Quercus lamellosa (Southern China – I. 1924 by George Forrest)
Quercus oxyodon (Himalayas, Western China – I. 1900 by Ernest Wilson)
Reevesia pubescens (Himalayas, Southern China – I. 1910 by Ernest Wilson)
Rhaphiolepis indica (Southern China – I. 1806)
Rheum palmatum (North West China and Tibet)
Rhododendron bureavii (Western China – I. 1904 by Ernest Wilson)
Rhododendron macabeanum (Assam – I. 1928)
Rhododendron maddenii ssp crassum (Tibet, China – I. 1906 by George Forrest)
Rhododendron sinogrande (China – I. 1913 by George Forrest)
Rhodotypos scandens (China and Korea – I. 1866)
Rodgersia aesculifolia (Northern China – I. 1869)
Rodgersia pinnata (Western China)
Rodgersia sambucifolia (China – I. 1904 by Ernest Wilson)
Rosa roxburghii (Western China – I. 1908 by Ernest Wilson)
Rubus cockburnianus (North and Central China – I. 1907 by Ernest Wilson)
Rubus phoenicolasius (Northern China and Korea – I. 1876)
Salix fargesii (Central China – I. 1911 by Ernest Wilson)
Salvia bulleyana (China)
Sasa palmata var nebulosa (China)           
Schima khasiana  (China)
Sinocalycanthus chinensis (Eastern China – I. 1983 by Roy Lancaster)
Stachyurus salicifolia (Himalayas – I.1990’s)
Stewartia pteropetiolata (China – I. 1912 by George Forrest)
Styphnolobium japonicum (China) formerly Sophora japonica
Styrax japonicus (Korea – I. 1924)
Tetrapanax papyrifera (Taiwan – I. 1850)
Thalictrum delavayi (China)
Tilia henryana (Central China – I. 1901 by E.H Wilson)
Tilia mongolica (Northern China – I. 1880)
Toona sinensis (Northern and Western China – I. 1862)
Trachelospermum asiaticum (Korea)
Trachelospermum jasminoides (China, Korea and Taiwan – I. 1844)
Trachycarpus fortunei (Himalayas and Eastern China – I. 1849)
Tricyrtis formosana (China)
Trollius chinensis (Northy Eastern China)
Viburnum cinnamomifolia (Western China – I. 1904 by Ernest Wilson)
Viburnum davidii (Western China – I. 1904 by Ernest Wilson)
Viburnum odoratissimum (Southern China and Taiwan – I. 1818)
Viburnum rhytidophyllum (Central and Western China – I. 1900 by Ernest Wilson)
Waldensteinia ternata (China)
Wisteria sinensis (China – I. in 1816)

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