- Planting Trees
- Pruning/Thinning Beech Hedge
- Rabbit Damage
- Deer Damage
- Snowdrops
- Wind Damage
- Tidy Leaves
Planting Trees
Providing the ground is not frozen solid plant out any bare root common trees or shrubs as early in the year as possible.
Do not wait for the traditional planting season in March or April but get a head start on a dry summer by allowing the roots to develop more fully.
Even when still dormant root systems will start to develop thus ensuring better new growth in the first year.
Pruning/Thinning Beech Hedge
Rabbit Damage

There are few nutrients or goodness in the grass so rabbits look to supplement their diet by ring barking your choice magnolias or nibbling your best camellias and roses.
Check spiral tree guards are in place around magnolias especially and put wire netting surrounds around susceptible plants at the first sign of damage.
Deer Damage
Once your snowdrop flowers are over you can lift and divide up the clumps “in the green” to spread these attractive harbingers of spring to colonise new areas of the garden.
Wind Damage
Check for fresh cracks or tilts in any elderly or leaning trees in the garden after severe gales. Once weakened old trees can fall or shed large branches at any time and swift action in calling in a tree surgeon can avert disaster and save precious plants from being damaged or crushed. Even younger trees can be damaged by the wind.