- Cold Wind Protection
- Spring Bulb Protection
- Pruning Escallonia
- Cleaning Bird Boxes
- Tree Care
- Dividing Gunnera
- Deer & Rabbit Protection
Welcome to February's tips. We have added lots of video clips to the tips, however if you prefer to read instructions then click the more information and the written tips will be displayed after the videos.
Protecting from cold winds
Protecting spring bulbs
Pruning escallonia
Prune your escallonia hedges now. Even if you did this last summer they are still likely to need a further trim to shape them up and encourage new flowering shoots. Do not leave it too late or you will disturb nesting birds.
Cleaning Bird Boxes
Dust off, check and clean out the woodland bird nesting boxes. Make sure the entrance holes are surrounded by metal to prevent grey squirrels gnawing their way in and eating the eggs or fledglings.
Removing side-shoots & restaking young trees
Complete any tree surgery work before the sap starts to rise and before the leaves start to form. The work is quicker and easier now and the tree is less likely to ‘bleed’ where branches are removed.
Get ready to enjoy spring! Camellias will soon be in full flower and the first magnolias may soon show some colour in Cornwall.