Myrcia - Growing Guide

Growing Myrcia laruotteana var. paraguayensis

This plant is from the myrtle family and, like all similar Myrtus, Amomyrtus and Ugni, has been subject to recent reclassification and name changes from botanical experts. Myrcia laruotteana var. paraguayensis therefore has a number of synonyms which can be confusing.

As its name implies this Myrcia originates from Paraguay and is an evergreen shrub growing, in Cornwall, to around 4-6ft in height. It looks much like a myrtle and has aromatic leaves, scented white flowers in summer and edible purple berries in profusion.

In Cornwall it has become a spreading shrub which thrives in dappled shade in a warm and sheltered spot alongside other myrtles. Its hardiness has perhaps not yet been fully tested in a really cold winter but it was perfectly happy through the 2018 ‘Beast from the East’ so it is certainly not a conservatory plant, at least in milder parts of the country.

We have found this plant straightforward to propagate from its berries. Remove the pith and sow straightaway in a frost free greenhouse.

Myrcia laruotteana var. paraguayensis click for larger image
Myrcia laruotteana var. paraguayensis
Myrcia laruotteana var. paraguayensis click for larger image
Myrcia laruotteana var. paraguayensis
Myrcia laruotteana var. paraguayensis click for larger image
Myrcia laruotteana var. paraguayensis
Myrcia laruotteana var. paraguayensis click for larger image
Myrcia laruotteana var. paraguayensis

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