Rhododendron - Video Spotlights

R. augustinii, edgeworthii x leucaspis, 'Anne Teese', loderi 'King George' - Video Tip

Rhododendron 'Cilpinense' - Video Tip

Rhododendron decorum (pink form) - Video Tip

Rhododendron genestrianum - Video Tip

Background information on Rhododendron genestrianum in the Burncoose Gardens.

Five late flowering rhodies - Video Tip

Later flowering rhododendrons in Chelsea week at Caerhays.  That's end of May for non-uk visitors.

First off -  Rh. ‘Lem’s Monarch’,  
Rh. ‘Fabia’,
Rh. decorum
Rh. lindleyi
Rh. ‘Nancy Evans’

R. loderi 'King George' - Video Tip

R. niveum - Video Tip

R. 'Ostara' - Video Tip

Rhododendron ‘Pink Polar Bear’ - Video Tip

Scented Rhododendrons - Video Tip

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