Sinojackia are members of the Styracaceae family and, although still relatively rare in our gardens, they are just as easy to grow as other more common Styrax species and share many of the same characteristics especially as regards their flowers, growth habit and hardiness. At Caerhays we are attempting to put together a collection of all the Styrax and their related species. Sinojackia rehderiana and Sinojackia xylocarpa are welcome additions although the availability of the former species from Burncoose is sporadic and limited due to its rarity.
Sinojackia are deciduous shrubs or small trees from woodland in China. They flower in May or June and have small racemes of star shaped white flowers. As with other members of the Styracaceae family the flowers hang down and can best be admired if these plants are grown on a bank with viewing from below.
Lime free soil is essential and dappled shade preferable to full sun as is the case with so many woody species. However, apart from exposed sites, these plants are straightforward to grow. Once established into a flowering pattern copious quantities of rounded seed will be produced which is generally ripe by October and can be sown straight away into a cold frame. As with other Styrax species softwood cuttings can be struck in June/July but getting the rooted cuttings through the winter is difficult and frustrating. Seed are much easier.
Sinojackia xylocarpa is said to grow up to 20ft in height but our plants are still only half this size in semi maturity.