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Welcome to our new photo finder.
This filter allows you to find photos of plants with the features you select, the features may not be visible in the displayed photo, but will match the plants in the photo. The 'featured' plant names under each photo match your filter, and the 'also shows' are other plants in the photo, these go well with the featured plant(s) but do not necessary have the features you are looking for.
You can 'hover' over the photo to see a slighty bigger version, or click the photo to see full size.
You can click the plant names (if they are currently online) and it will open the plant details in a new tab for you.
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Plant Type
- Alpine or rock plant
- Bamboo
- Banana
- Bulb/Corm or rhizomatous perennial
- Climber
- Conifer
- Dwarf shrub
- Fruit
- Fern
- Ground cover
- Herbaceous
- Hedge
- Herb
- Medium shrub
- Ornamental grasses
- Palm
- Succulent
- Tree
- Tall Shrub
- Tuberous
- Zero Rated Item
Evergreen / Deciduous
Flower Colour
- Red
- Green
- Brown or black
- Striped, Veined or Multicoloured
- White
- Shades of pink
- Yellow
- Bicolor
- Cream
- Orange
- Blue
- Purple