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December Herbaceous Border Tips


2.	Cut back top growth after first frost click for larger image
1. Cut back top growth after first frost
7.	Leave for a couple of weeks to dry in a warm dry areaclick for larger image
2. Leave for a couple of weeks to dry in a warm dry area
10.	Keep frost free but cool, (around 5 degrees) and check every so often for any mouldclick for larger image
3. Keep frost free but cool, (around 5 degrees) and check every so often for any mould

 a)   Mulching   Before the first serious frosts do not forget to place a thick layer of leaves or compost over your more tender tuberous and bulbous plants.   These include Agapanthus, Amaryllis, Cannas, Crinums and Dahlias.  

Click here for full article on how to care for tubers.






Catalogue cover Burncoose 2024Ring up or register online  and order your free Burncoose Nurseries mail order catalogue which will be available between Christmas and the New Year.  This will be posted to you just after Christmas with plenty of new herbaceous plants to tempt you.

Checkout our offers this month, or ideas for xmas.

Erica carnea  - No amount of frost or snow will delay or impair the flowering of winter heathers.  At times of snow brush off the plants so you can still admire the flowers.

Click here to see all carneas.






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