Luzula sylvatica, greater woodrush, has naturalised itself in a huge swathe alongside the front drive at Burncoose. It is very tough and invasive evergreen ‘grass’ but does absolutely no harm in a woodland context where it completely smothers any other competing weeds or grasses within its dense expanding mat of foliage. It is an evergreen perennial growing, when mature, up to 2ft in height with glossy dark green leaves. The flowers are insignificant and chestnut brown in spring or early summer. If you want total groundcover for a shady spot this may be the plant for you. We do not always list it on our website but, if you want a clump when you visit the nursery, just ask and we can dig some at any time of the year. It is almost a weed with us!
Luzula nivea, snowy woodrush, is much less of a garden thug and grows rather more slowly as a loosely tufted evergreen perennial. It has flat linear deep green basal leaves and has rather more showy pure white flowers in tight clusters of lax or nodding panicles. Again it will spread and thrive in a shady spot but it can make an attractive edging to a border as well. It grows to about 2ft including its flower spikes.