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Pennisetum - Growing Guide

Growing Pennisetum

Fountain grass

These are clump forming perennial grasses with linear leaves that are grown principally for their feathery, spike-like, panicles of oblong or lance shaped ‘flowers’ or spikelets which bend with the breeze. These spikelets are excellent for cutting in the green or as dried flowers.

P. alopecuroides is a clump forming, tufted, evergreen grass. Its leaves grow up to 2ft in height and the spikelets appear in summer and autumn to give an overall height of perhaps 4ft. This species likes good, well-drained soil in full sun and the only real care it needs is to remove the old dead flowering stems at the start of the season with shears or secateurs.

Pennisetum alopecuroidesclick for larger image
Pennisetum alopecuroides
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' click for larger image
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln'

P. x adventa ‘Fireworks’, purple fountain grass, has dark red-purple leaves with green and pink stripes. The flowers are a deep red in late summer. This is slightly smaller growing but, also, an evergreen perennial which will need tidying up in spring.

Pennisetum x adventa 'Fireworks'click for larger image
Pennisetum x adventa 'Fireworks'
Pennisetum x adventa 'Fireworks'click for larger image
Pennisetum x adventa 'Fireworks'

P. x adventa ‘Rubrum’ is a graceful, swaying, tall grass with numerous deep purple hanging flower heads.

Pennisetum adventa x 'Rubrum'click for larger image
Pennisetum x adventa 'Rubrum'
Pennisetum x adventa 'Rubrum'click for larger image
Pennisetum x adventa 'Rubrum'
Pennisetum x adventa 'Rubrum'click for larger image
Pennisetum x adventa 'Rubrum'

P. x adventa ‘Skyrocket’ grows taller and has green and white striped leaves. The flower heads emerge pink at first then fade to pale pink and, finally, white.

Pennisetum x adventa 'Skyrocket'click for larger image
Pennisetum x adventa 'Skyrocket'
Pennisetum x adventa 'Skyrocket'click for larger image
Pennisetum x adventa 'Skyrocket'
Pennisetum 'Fairy Tails'click for larger image
Pennisetum 'Fairy Tails'
Pennisetum 'Fairy Tails'click for larger image
Pennisetum 'Fairy Tails'
Pennisetum villosumclick for larger image
Pennisetum villosum
Pennisetum villosumclick for larger image
Pennisetum villosum

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