
Daphnes require good, rich, loamy soil and good drainage is essential for success.
Genus of about 100 species of deciduous, semi-evergreen or evergreen shrubs from Europe, northern Africa and temperate and subtropical Asia.
Their main attraction is the clusters of usually heavily scented flowers. Some have variegated leaves. They can be grown in borders, rock gardens and in a woodland setting.
The "Eternal" series are a result of a successful 30 year breeding programme to produce a free-flowering Daphne more tolerant of a wide range of soil and garden conditions.
All are attractive to bees and other insects, the earlier bloomers being particularly useful.
D. mezereum, Mezereon, is the native. Found in woods on calcareous soils is very rare.
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Good to know
Grown for their tubular, usually very fragrant, flowers in colours varying from red-purple to pink, white, yellow, lavender-pink and lilac. -
Pests & Diseases
Aphids, leaf spot, grey mould, viruses. -
Place of origin
Europe and northern Africa. -
Semi-evergreenKeeps some of its foliage all year, and will drop some leaves as well.
Fertile well drained soilHumus rich but not dry. Mulch to keep roots cool.
Neutral soil preferredTo slightly alkaline or slightly acidic
skin irritant
People and pets, i.e. cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents -
toxic if eaten
People and pets, i.e. cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents -
Bee friendly
View Planting Tips and Care Advice
Cold weather damage to evergreen plants
Daphne - Care Guide