
Commonly known as Monkshood
Genus of 100 species of perennials and biennials mainly from mountainous grassland or scrub in the northern hemisphere.
Suitable for cooler conditions they make good subjects for a woodland garden.Twining species can be grown through shrubs for support. Taller aconites require staking.
Plants are highly toxic and contact with foliage can irritate the skin.
It is represented in the UK by the native A.napellus, Monkshood, from the shape of the sepals.
Plant Details
HerbaceousEarly in the year, typically January till end of March, herbaceous plants might be supplied in 9cm pots to ensure timely despatch.
harmful via skin
People and pets, i.e. cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents -
toxic if eaten
People and pets, i.e. cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents
Planting Tips and Care Advice
Aconitum - Growing Guide
Planting Combinations