
Commonly known as Angels' trumpets
(formerly DATURA) All JUL-SEPT
HIGHLY TOXIC. Toxicity varies with the seasons.
Linnaeus classified these plants with Datura. They were transferred to Brugmansia in 1805 and during the next 168 years they went back and forth in lists. In 1973 they were placed by TE Lockwood definitively as Brugmansia where they have remained.
All species are extinct in the wild, though because of their popularity in cultivation they exist widely as introductions.
Plant Details
Good to know
Grown for their large, usually scented, solitary tubular or trumpet-shaped flowers. -
Tall Shrub
skin & eye irritant
People and pets, i.e. cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents -
toxic if eaten
People and pets, i.e. cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents
Planting Tips and Care Advice
Datura / Brugmansia - Care Guide