
JUNIPERUS communis 'Compressa'
Commonly known as Common juniper, Noah's ark juniper

Miniature pencil-shaped conifer ideal for rock gardens
Full Plant Details - Sun/Soil & other attributes - Click to close
Good to know
Form of the native juniper. -
Pests & Diseases
aphids, scale insects, webber moth caterpillars, twig blight, honey fungus. -
Place of origin
Northern hemisphere. -
EvergreenDark-green, sharply pointed foliage.
Rockery (inc alpine)
Suitable for small gardens
Fully hardy
80cm (32in) -
45cm (18in) -
Dwarf shrubTypically only grows to a maximum of one or two feet in height but there will be some exceptions.Very slow growing, 2-3cm (¾-1¼in) per year.
Very hardy
Hardy in the severest continental climates including exposed upland locations in the UK. Plant can withstand temperatures < -20 (-4°F) -
Autumn Seasonal Interest
Spring Seasonal Interest
Summer Seasonal Interest
Winter Seasonal Interest
Medium to light, fertile, well drained soilIncluding chalky or sandy soils
Full sun
Partial shade
Light dappled shade. -
may cause skin allergy
People -
Mature Size80cm (32in)
45cm (18in)
View Planting Tips and Care Advice
Juniperus - Growing Guide
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