Commonly known as Angelica tree
Genus of about 40 species of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs and rhizomatous perennials.
They originate in southern and eastern Asia, Malaysia, and North, Central and South America.
Trees and shrubs are vigorous growers and are suitable for shady areas in large gardens, adding an exotic look.
Young shoots feature in Asian cuisine and the black berries are favoured by birds which could result in the species becoming invasive.
Bees and flies are also attracted to the flowers.
Plant Details
Good to knowGood for shady borders and woodland.
Resistant to honey fungusThese plants have little or few problems with honey fungus.
Bulb/Corm or rhizomatous perennialRhizomatous perennial
HerbaceousEarly in the year, typically January till end of March, herbaceous plants might be supplied in 9cm pots to ensure timely despatch.
Planting Tips and Care Advice
Soil Conditions
Fertile moist well-drained soilHumus-rich.
Aralia - Herbaceous Growing Guide