PROTEA Leucadendron 'Inca Gold'

Upright grower producing long reddish stems of butter-yellow tulip-like bracts which become tipped in crimson in winter
Further Reading....
  • Evergreen
    Leaves to 9cm (3½in) long
  • Yellow
    Butter yellow
  • Height
    1.2m (4ft)
  • Spread
    1.2m (4ft)
  • Medium shrub
    Typically grow to around 4-6 feet in height
    Erect, freely branching shrub
  • Half hardy - unheated greenhouse / mild winter
    Hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of the UK except in severe winters and a risk from sudden (early) frosts. May be hardy elsewhere with wall shelter or good micro-climate. Likely to be damaged or killed in cold winters. Plant can withstand temperatures down to -5°C (23°F)
    In very well-drained soil and a sheltered site
  • Will grow outside in milder locations
    This could include plants which would survive happily in a greenhouse or conservatory if not in a mild location. If you have a sheltered spot in your garden then it may do well here.
    In warm, dry areas
  • Full sun

PROTEA Leucadendron 'Inca Gold'

Available again from APRIL 2025 - When fresh stock arrives
£25.00 each 
Delivery Information Available again from APRIL 2025


  • Additional Features
    Exotic plants
    Good to know
    L. laureolum x L. salignus. Large, showy bracts.Excellent as cut flower because of long vase life. Grow in a courtyard garden or against a sunny wall in warm, dry areas
    Pests & Diseases
    Red spider mites under glass
    Place of origin
    South Africa (Table Mountain) - hybrid cultivar.
    Resistant to honey fungus
    These plants have little or few problems with honey fungus.
  • Garden Location/Conditions
    Greenhouse / conservatory
    Not the sort of plants to be grown outside where there are likely to be frosts. These plants need to be grown in a conservatory or cool greenhouse or at least brought inside for the winter
    See Protea - Care Guide link above
    Suitable for small gardens
  • Hardiness
    Frost hardy (down to -5)
  • Leaf margin
    (see photos above)
  • Leaf shape
    (see photos above)
  • Pruning group
    Pruning group 1
    Suitable for: Deciduous and evergreen trees, and some deciduous shrubs.
    Pruning: Minimal pruning required. Prune wayward or crossing branches to maintain a healthy framework.
    When: When dormant in the late winter/early spring. Some in the summer/autumn to prevent bleeding of sap.

  • Seasonal Interest
  • Soil Conditions
    Neutral to acid soil
    Well drained, dry, poor to moderately fertile soil
    Poor soil preferred
1.2m (4ft)
Medium Shrub - guide for size not form Watering Can
  1.2m (4ft)

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