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Burncoose Nurseries - part of the Caerhays Estate
Nursery & Gardens open: Mon - Sat 9.00 - 16.30 & Sun 10:00 - 16:00
Pop up café: Re-opens Saturday 1st March

Libertia - Growing Guide

Growing and caring for Liberia

Burncoose stocks four different species of Libertia; two from Chile and two from New Zealand, as well as one or two improved varieties. All have coped perfectly well with the occasional hard winter over the years and this genus is certainly hardy to at least -10°C. All are rhizomatous, clump forming, evergreen perennials and their popularity has increased markedly in the last 10 years as gardeners have come to know and appreciate them.

They grow in moist grassy areas in the wild and have linear leathery (perhaps iris-like) leaves. Their flowers are produced in panicles on stalks of white or blue flowers which then develop light brown seed heads. All species grow to no more than 2-3ft in height and, L. formosa particularly, is capable of spreading and self-seeding to colonise large hot dry banks. At Ventnor Botanic Garden there is a particularly fine display. 

Libertia grow best in moist but well drained soil in full sun. Division of established clumps in spring is the easiest way or propagating these vigorous plants.

L. caulescens has panicles of gorgeous blue flowers in clusters or umbels in spring. 24”x12”. Chile.

Libertia caerulescensclick for larger image
Libertia caerulescens
Libertia caerulescensclick for larger image
Libertia caerulescens
Libertia caerulescensclick for larger image
Libertia caerulescens
Libertia caerulescensclick for larger image
Libertia caerulescens

L. formosa is also Chilean. It grows quite a bit taller and has a profusion of white or pale yellow flowers in dense panicles in spring and on into summer. 36”x24”.

Libertia formosaclick for larger image
Libertia formosa
Libertia formosaclick for larger image
Libertia formosa

L. grandiflora is from New Zealand and is also a taller growing species with long panicles of white flowers in clusters of three or six. 36”x24”. Flowers in late spring and on into summer.

Libertia grandifloraclick for larger image
Libertia grandiflora

L. ixioides, another from New Zealand, has white flowers in umbel-like clusters. Its leaves may turn orange-brown in winter. 24”x24”.

Libertia ixioidesclick for larger image
Libertia ixioides

L. ‘Taupo Sunset’ has most attractive leaves which are striped green, yellow and orange. This is a smaller growing variety with narrow pointed leaves.

Libertia 'Taupo Sunset'click for larger image
Libertia 'Taupo Sunset'

L. ‘Goldfinder’ is a compact growing plant with grass-like golden foliage with a bright central yellow stripe and pure white ‘starry’ flowers.

Libertia 'Goldfinger'click for larger image
Libertia 'Goldfinger'
Libertia  click for larger image

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