Commonly known as Bellflower
Huge range of species ranging from alpines under 5cm to woodland species at over 2m and including the native harebell and the cottage-garden Canterbury bells.
Genus of about 420 species of annuals, biennials and perennials, some evergreen. They occur widely in temperate zones of the northern hemisphere, particularly in southern Europe and Turkey.
Four natives occur. C. glomerata (clustered bellflower) is found in chalk grassland, C. rotundifolia (harebell) in dunes and dry, grassy places, C. latifolia (giant bellflower) in woods and shady banks and C. trachelium (nettle-leaved bellflower, bats-in-the-belfry or throatwort, alluding to historical use) in woods and hedgerows. An introduction, C.rapunculoides (creeping bellflower) has become naturalised along railway banks but is still rare.
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Good to know
Wildlife plant - insects. -
HerbaceousEarly in the year, typically January till end of March, herbaceous plants might be supplied in 9cm pots to ensure timely despatch.Annuals, biennials and perennials - some evergreen. Flowers can be bell-shaped, tubular, star-shaped or cup- or saucer- shaped.
View Planting Tips and Care Advice
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- Dividing Summer Perennials - Video Tip ondemand_video
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- Summer propagation - Video Tip ondemand_video
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