
Commonly known as (Polygonum) - Knotweed
Genus of about 150 annuals and perennials. They may be evergreen, semi-evergreen or deciduous and many spread by stolons leading to a spreading habit which can be invasive. This habit and their commonly used name knotweed can give cause for concern but used wisely they are worthy performers. They are found in a variety of habitats worldwide and most have long-lasting spikes of flowers followed by distinctive 3-angled or ovoid fruits.
Plant Details
Good to know
Poker type flowers. Some have attractive autumn colour. Some are invasive. Wildlife plant - insects. -
Place of origin
Various habitats around the world. -
Resistant to honey fungusThese plants have little or few problems with honey fungus.
Semi-evergreenKeeps some of its foliage all year, and will drop some leaves as well.
Ground coverThese plants are typically low growing and spread quickly to inhibit weed growth on areas of bare soil
HerbaceousEarly in the year, typically January till end of March, herbaceous plants might be supplied in 9cm pots to ensure timely despatch.
Planting Tips and Care Advice
Persicaria - Growing Guide