Commonly known as Oak
Genus of about 530 species of deciduous, semi-evergreen or evergreen trees and shrubs in the beech family widely distributed in woodland and scrub in the northern hemisphere extending to tropical latitudes.
Some deciduous species give excellent autumn colour.
Because of land use changes and climate change many species are under acute threat. In the highlands of Mexico, Central America and the northern Andes forests have been cleared to make coffee plantations and cattle ranching. Pine forests are invading oak in the Indian Himalayas because of temperature rise.
In the UK, Phytopthora ramorum (so-called sudden oak death), a bacterium thought to cause acute oak decline and the oak processionary moth, which causes defoliation, are modern threats.
Represented in the UK by 2 natives, Sessile or Durmast (Q. petraea), stalked leaves and unstalked acorns and English or Pedunculate (Q. robur) with very short stalks on leaves and long stalks on acorns.
Two other oaks commonly seen are the holm oak (Q. ilex), evergreen, and the Turkey oak (Q. cerris) which was introduced, mistakenly, as a source of good timber.
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Good to know
Q. bicolor x Q. robur. Highly resistant to mildew -
Pests & Diseases
Aphids, gall wasps, oak wilt, honey fungus, bracket fungi -
Place of origin
Garden origin -
DeciduousPointed, stalked, smooth, leathery dark green leaves to 14cm (5½in) long, silver-downy beneath with 6-8 toothed lobes on each side. Shades of red and orange in autumn
Suitable for small gardens
Fully hardy
15m (49ft) -
4m (13ft) -
TreeVigorous, strongly upright tree. Ovoid, brown acorns to 2.5cm (1in) long produced singly or in pairs, partially enclosed in silvery cups
Pruning group 1
Suitable for: Deciduous and evergreen trees, and some deciduous shrubs.
Pruning: Minimal pruning required. Prune wayward or crossing branches to maintain a healthy framework.
When: When dormant in the late winter/early spring. Some in the summer/autumn to prevent bleeding of sap.
Very hardy
Hardy in the severest continental climates including exposed upland locations in the UK. Plant can withstand temperatures < -20 (-4°F) -
Autumn Seasonal Interest
Fertile well drained soilDeep soil
Full sun
Partial shade
harmful if eaten
Pets, i.e. cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents, notably dogs -
Narrowly columnar
Mature Size15m (49ft)
4m (13ft)
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