QUERCUS phillyreoides

Commonly known as Oak

  • Evergreen
    toothed dark-green leaves to 6cm (2½in) long.
  • Height
    9m (30ft)
  • Spread
    9m (30ft)
  • Tree
    Spreading tree with brownish grey to dark- grey bark. Produces ovoid acorns in cone-shaped cups.
  • Hardy - cold winter
    Hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters. May not withstand open/exposed sites or central/northern locations. Plant can withstand temperatures down to -15°C (5°F)
  • Full sun

QUERCUS phillyreoides



  • Additional Features
    Pests & Diseases
    Aphids, gall wasps, oak wilt, honey fungus, powdery mildew, bracket fungi.
    Place of origin
    China, southern Japan
  • Hardiness
    Fully hardy
  • Leaf margin
    (see photos above)
  • Leaf shape
    (see photos above)
    (see photos above)
  • Pruning group
    Pruning group 1
    Suitable for: Deciduous and evergreen trees, and some deciduous shrubs.
    Pruning: Minimal pruning required. Prune wayward or crossing branches to maintain a healthy framework.
    When: When dormant in the late winter/early spring. Some in the summer/autumn to prevent bleeding of sap.

  • Soil Conditions
    Fertile moist well-drained soil
  • Toxic - Category C
    Harmful if eaten
    Pets, i.e. cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents, notably dogs
  • Tree Shape
    Rounded to broadly spreading
Quercus - Care Guide
Shrubs and Trees - Seeds - 1) Collecting Seeds
Shrubs and Trees - Seeds - 2) Storing Seeds
Shrubs and Trees - Seeds - 3) Planting Seeds
Trees - Care Guide
9m (30ft)
tree - guide for size not form Average Person
  9m (30ft)

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