
COLQUHOUNIA coccinea vestita
Buddleja-like shrub with scarlet orange flowers
Plant Details
Pests & Diseases
None. -
Place of origin
Western China, Himalayas. Named for Sir Robert Colquhoun, soldier and plant collector. -
EvergreenOr semi evergreen. Finely-toothed, sage-green aromatic leaves 20cm (8in) long.
Scarlet orange -
Frost hardy (down to -5)
2.5m (8ft) -
2.5m (8ft) -
Tall ShrubUpright shrub. Whorls of flowers to 2.5cm (1in) long are produced in terminal spikes.
Half hardy - unheated greenhouse / mild winter
Hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of the UK except in severe winters and a risk from sudden (early) frosts. May be hardy elsewhere with wall shelter or good micro-climate. Likely to be damaged or killed in cold winters. Plant can withstand temperatures down to -5°C (23°F) -
Scented foliage
Autumn Seasonal Interest
Summer Seasonal Interest
Mature Size2.5m (8ft)
2.5m (8ft)
Planting Tips and Care Advice
Garden Location/Conditions
BorderSuitable for a sheltered, sunny border
Pruning group
Pruning group 4
Suitable for: Deciduous trees and shrubs that flower on current year's growth or are grown for winter stem effect.
Pruning: Hard prune to a low permanent framework.
When: Annually in early Spring.
Soil Conditions
Well drained, dry, poor to moderately fertile soilShelter from cold winds. Provide a deep winter mulch. Usually re-sprouts from the base if cut back by hard frost.
Sun Requirements
Against a wallLooks effective against a warm, sunny wall
Full sun
Colquhounia - Growing Guide