Customer Quotes

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Please click here if you would like to leave us a Trustpilot review

I do like the inclusion of "How to Care for....." This is very helpful

Burncoose Customer -

Carry on doing the fine work.

Burncoose Customer -

Very pleased with previous orders and so much trouble taken over packing

Burncoose Customer -

I found your website extremely good and the amount of products being sold is fantastic

Burncoose Customer -

Your plants are always strong and healthy compared to some nurseries ,so are very good value for money:)

Burncoose Customer -

Useful that you flag up how much more to spend without altering postage amount!!

Burncoose Customer. -

you could state the size of the plants that are for sale.(I was not disapointed with my order when it arrived unlike Ebay)

Burncoose Customer -

100% happy. the plant (Musa Basjoo) was of a really good size, packaging brilliant, in fact when i got home and saw the size of the box i knew that the plant would be good. been let down and disapointed with Ebay sales and you open a small package to find a twig or tiny sapling. Will most certainly use you again and not Ebay. Many Thanks

Burncoose Customer -

My own lack of familiarity was a problem at first, your staff were most helpful when I phoned.

Burncoose Customer -

Excellent website, one of the best I've visited

Burncoose Customer -

I have not placed an order yet, as I have just visited your website for the first time. I just wanted to let you know how impressed I was by how informative your website is, & we shall certainly be paying your Nursery a visit soon.

Burncoose Customer -

good to find a site with such a huge choice. I am excited about ordering my own plants from here once I have garden areas made later in the year hopefully.

Burncoose Customer -

All went until I came to the last box to verify bank details. It would not accept any entry. Completed next morning over the phone very easily.

Burncoose Customer. -

In the past have found your customer service staff very helpful

Burncoose Customer -

No. I find your website very helpful

Burncoose Customer -

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